35 Aberdeen Street

This site was the Police Married Quarters. Its history goes back to more than a hunderd years ago. The site became the campus of Central School in 1889. It is the first government school providing western secondary education to the public in Hong Kong. The School building was damaged during the World War II. In 1951, the current building was built to provide living quarters for married police office. It was used for this purpose until 2000.



这里是已婚警察宿舍旧址。它的历史可以追溯到百多年前。1889年这里成为了中央书院的校园。它是香港第一所为公众提供高小和中学程度的西式教育官立学校。书院在第二次世界大战期间受到严重破坏并被拆除,其后于1951年改建为荷李活道前已婚警察宿舍, 一直使用到2000年。